I'm Marcie Miller.
A Graphic Designer,
Illustrator, and Photographer.

West Star Aviation
Client —
West Star Aviation (Maintenance Division)
Credits —
Convergent Performance, LLC
Program Manager & SME: Doug Downey
Instructional Designer: Dr. Tony Kern
Tech Writer & Editor: Paul Miller
Photo Source: West Star Aviation
My Role —
Graphic Designer
Editorial Designer
Presentation Designer
Curriculum Assistant to Chief Learning Officer
Creative Lead
Creative Lead, Presentation Designer, and Graphic Designer for aviation maintenance safety initiatives and certifications through the FAA Inspection Authorization Renewal Maintenance Mastery (MxM) programs.
More Info —
Contributed to the following training courseware offerings:
Maintenance Mastery
Aviation Maintenance Never Events® (AMNE)
Twelve Angry Factors
Risk Based Thinking
Optimal Performance
Crafting a Culture of Compliance